…at the Madeley Centre, New Road, Madeley, CW3 9DN
This well-established study group welcomes new members. Each year, they follow a theme and look at texts in the original Old English (the version of English used up to about 1175, after which it began the slow change into Middle English). For the year 2022-23, they will be looking at extracts from: Herbals, leechdoms, and laws.
They meet for ten Sunday mornings: 18 September 2022; 23 October; 20 November; 11 December; 8 January 2023; 12 February; 12 March; 16 April; 14 May; 11 June. Each meeting lasts from 10:30 until 12:30. There is a cafe at the Madeley Centre, which opens at 10am. The cost of the course will be £5 per meeting.
If you are interested in joining them, please contact the tutor, Peter Graystone M.A. plgraystone@btinternet.com (01782) 611083