Gresham College - Free Lectures and Talks

Gresham College write to tell us about their public lecture offering over the coming Autumn and Winter months.

These events are all free to attend or to watch on line - surely there’s something for everyone in here somewhere…



Weds 14, 6pm Progresses: Royal Courts on the Move in Tudor and Stuart England Professor Simon Thurley; David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Weds 21, 6pm, Gods of Prehistoric Britain Professor Ronald Hutton, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Tues 27, 6pm, War and Peace in Europe from Hitler to Putin Professor Richard J Evans, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later


Thurs 6, 6pm, Tuberculosis: A Cultural History Professor Joanna Bourke, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch Later

Weds 12, 6pm, The Lost Cities and Amazing Heritage of Kenya, Robin Walker, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Mon 17, 6pm, Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution, Sudhir Hazareesingh, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Tues 18, 6pm Britain's Foreign Policy in a Fast-Changing World, Peter Ricketts, Mercers' Hall/ Online/ Watch Later

Thurs 20, 6pm The Politics of Fabric and Fashion in Africa 1960-Today Christine Checinska David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later,


Tues 1, 6pm, Partition of British India, 75 Years On Kavita Puri, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Mon 7, 6pm The Trials of Alexei Navalny Thomas Grant QC Barnard's Inn Hall, Online/ Watch Later

Tues 8, 6pm, Why did Europe's Economies Diverge from Asia? Professor Martin Daunton, Barnard's Inn Hall, Online/ Watch Later

Thurs 10, 6pm, Polio: A Cultural History, Professor Joanna Bourke Barnards' Inn Hall, Online/ Watch Later

Weds 16, 6pm The Irish Question and the Ulster Question Then and Now, Professor Vernon Bogdanor David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Weds 23, 6pm Lives in Limbo: Jewish Refugess in Portugal, 1940-45 Professor Marion Kaplan, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch Later


Mon 5, 6pm London's Air: The 70th Anniversary of the Great London Smog Visiting Professor Ian Mudway, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch later (this is an Environmental Health Professor, not strictly History, but should be of interest to local societies)

Tues 6, 1pm, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Religion, Violence and Peacebuilding by Professor Jolyon Mitchell, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch later

Weds 7, 6pm, Paganism in Roman Britain, Professor Ronald Hutton, David Game College/ Online/ Watch Later


Finding Britain's Lost Gods (History of Religion)

Professor Ronald Hutton

This is the first series of three sets of lectures devoted to the perennial ‘others’ of the European Christian tradition, those phenomena which have always been present as active forces or cultural memories in Christian Europe and which theological orthodoxy has regarded as suspect. The first of the phenomena consists of the pre-Christian religions of Europe, defined in Christian tradition as paganism. These were suppressed as religious systems at the time of conversion to Christianity but elements of them survived as major components of literature, art and folklore.

Gods of Prehistoric Britain

6pm, Weds 21 Sep 2022, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Paganism in Roman Britain

6pm, Weds 7 Dec 2022, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

Anglo-Saxon Pagan Gods

6pm, Weds 1 Feb 2022, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Viking Pagan Gods in Britain

6pm, Weds 8 Mar 2022, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Finding Lost Gods in Wales

6pm, Weds 26 April 2023, City of London Venue tbc / Online/ Watch Later

How Pagan Was Medieval Britain

6pm, Weds 7 June 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Britain's Empire and the Economy
(Economic History)

Professor Martin Daunton

This lecture series by Economic Historian Martin Daunton considers the role of the empire in the growth and development of the British economy. Why did Asia, with levels of income that were similar or even superior to Europe, diverge from Europe from the end of the Middle Ages and even more from 1800? Did Britain drain wealth from India and impoverish its economy, as argued by nationalist critics? To what extent did Atlantic slavery and plantations underpin the industrial revolution?

Why did Europe's Economies Diverge from Asia

6pm, Tues 8 Nov 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall London/ Online

Slavery and the British Economy

6pm, Tues 7 Feb 2022, City of London Venue to be confirmed (tbc)

Who Benefited from the British Empire

6pm, Tues 4 April 2022, City of London Venue tbc

Black History Month

Robin Walker, Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh, Dr Christine Checinska

In 2022-3 the series will cover African fashion since Independence; the lost cities and civilisations of Kenya; and Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian revolution.

The Lost Cities and Amazing Heritage of Kenya, Robin Walker

6pm, Weds 12 Oct 2022, David Game College, Aldgate,/ Online/ Watch Later

Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution, Sudhir Hazareesingh

6pm, Mon 17 Oct 2022, David Game College, Aldgate,/ Online/ Watch Later

The Politics of Fabric and Fashion in Africa 1960-Today, Dr Christine Checinska

6pm, Thurs 20 Oct 2022, David Game College, Aldgate,/ Online/ Watch Later

A Cultural History of Disease
(Medical History)Professor Joanna Bourke

Acclaimed cultural historian Professor Joanna Bourke will be exploring six physical maladies that have afflicted people throughout the world: tuberculosis, polio, breast cancer, AIDS, sickle cell disease, and dementia.Lectures are free, hybrid (in the City of London or online) and can be viewed later. They are all ticketed.

Tuberculosis: A Cultural History

6pm, Thurs 6 Oct 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall London/ Online

Polio: A Cultural History 6pm Thurs 10 Nov 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall London/ Online

Breast Cancer: A Cultural History 6pm Thurs 12 Jan 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

AIDS: A Cultural History 6pm, Thurs 16 Feb 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

Sickle Cell Disease: A Cultural History 6pm, Thurs 16 Mar 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

Dementia: A Cultural History 6pm, Thurs 11 May 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

More History of Medicine:

The History of Barts' Hospital: Barts at 900, Charles Knight6pm, Thurs 4 May 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

Ancient Landscapes of Britain (Archaeology) Mike Pitts, Martin Millett and Helena Hamerow Three of Britain's leading Archaeologists present the latest research on Stonehenge, the landscapes of Roman Britain, and the medieval Agricultural Revolution.

Stonehenge: A History Mike Pitts 6pm, Thurs 23 Feb 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online

Landscapes of Roman Britain Martin Millett 6pm, Weds 15 Mar 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

The Medieval Agricultural Revolution: New Evidence Helena Hamerow 6pm, Thurs 23 Mar 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online

Portraiture and Power (Art History)In this series, leading art historians will discuss some of the world’s greatest patrons of the arts, and the challenges of depicting them, from Louis XIV and Versailles, to images of Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II. There is also a lecture on portraits of Native American leaders from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull.
Louis XIV: Versailles, Europe and the Arts
Philip Mansel 6pm, Weds 25 Jan 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Queen Victoria: Images of Power and EmpireJane Ridley 6pm, Weds 15 Feb 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth II: The Artist's Challenges Philip Mould 6pm, Thurs 2 Mar 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Portraits of Native Americans from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull
Stephanie Pratt 6pm, Tues 28 Mar 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Wren 300

Sir Christopher Wren is probably the most famous Gresham Professor in history: a polymath, architect, mathematician, astronomer, anatomist and courtier. On the 300th anniversary of his death, this series will explore different aspects of his work.
Christopher Wren's Cosmos Professor Katherine Blundell 6pm, Weds 22 Feb 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

The Mathematical Life of Sir Christopher Wren Professor Sarah Hart 1pm, Tues 7 Mar 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Christopher Wren's Medical DIsoveries: The 'Architect of Human Anatomy' Professor Jaideep Pandit6pm, Weds 17 May 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Sir Christopher Wren: Architect & Courtier Visiting Professor & Provost Simon Thurley 6pm, Weds 14 June 2023, City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

More on Architecture & The Court from Simon Thurley

Progresses: Royal Courts on the Move in Tudor and Stuart England Visiting Professor & Provost Simon Thurley 6pm, Weds 14 June 2023 City of London Venue tbc/ Online/ Watch Later

Holocaust History

Lives in Limbo: Jewish Refugees in Portugal 1940-1945 Professor Marion Kaplan6pm, Weds 23 Nov 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch Later

Politics, Power and Nationhood This series on Power, Politics and Nationhood has a stellar cast of speakers including Kavita Puri, Vernon Bogdanor, Richard J Evans, Rory Stewart and Peter Ricketts, and it covers a wide range of topics from the Partition of British India to the Israel-Palestine Conflict and War and Peace in Europe from Hitler to Putin. Visiting Professor Thomas Grant QC will look at Opposition in Russia: The Trials of Alexei Navalny.

War and Peace in Europe from Hitler to Putin Professor Richard J Evans 6pm, Tues 27 Sep 2022, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later
Britain's Foreign Policy in a Fast-Changing World
Peter Ricketts 6pm, Tues 18 Oct 2022 Mercers' Hall/ Online/ Watch Later
Partition of British India: 75 Years On
Kavita Puri 6pm, Tues 1 Nov 2022, David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later
Opposition in Russia: The Trials of Alexei Navalny
Thomas Grant 6pm, Mon 7 Nov 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch Later

The Irish Question and the Ulster Question Then and Now Vernon Bogdanor 6pm, Weds 16 Nov 2022 David Game College, Aldgate/ Online/ Watch Later

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Religion, Violence and Peacebuilding Jolyon Mitchell 1pm Tues 6 Dec 2022, Barnard's Inn Hall/ Online/ Watch Later

Afghanistan Rory StewartCity of London venue tbc/ Online 6pm, Thurs 8 June 2023

Women in World Religions

In this series, three historians will discuss: Reclaiming Women in the Hebrew Bible, Women Leaders in Early Christianity and Women, Islam and Prophecy.

Women Leaders in Early Christianity Morwenna Ludlow1pm, Weds 5 April 2023 City of London venue tbc/ Online

Reclaiming Women in the Hebrew Bible Deborah Kahn-Harris 1pm, Tues 25 April 2023City of London venue tbc/ Online

Women, Islam & Prophecy Shuruq Naguib1pm, Tues 9 May 2023 City of London venue tbc/ Online